Wednesday 4 September 2013

How to make unDeleteable and unRenameale Folder

How to make un deletable and un renamable folder

WE make folders in which we can save our data.These folders can be deleted and their name can be changed according to our requirement.There is a trick by which you can easily create a folder which neither can be deleted nor rename. The basic concept behind this trick is use of “keyword”.In programming language there are keywords which cannot be used as variable name.In window there is also some “keyword” for example con, aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, lpt4, lpt5, lpt6, lpt7, lpt8 and lpt9.

If you make folder by using these “keywords” then this folder cannot be renamed.

Steps to make undeletable folder:


Click on “start” button.


Press “ctrl+r” simultaneously.A run window will appear.


Type “cmd” without quotes.


Press “ENTER”.


A command prompt window will appear.Specify the location at which you want to create a folder.For example type drive name “D” without quotes in format <drive-name>:


Do not type drive name for saving folder in which you have installed window.For example “c drive” is your system drive and cannot be used to save undeletable folder.


Follow given below syntax using window keyword:

md.window keyword\

for example you can type “md.con\” without quotes.Simply you can use any keyword as given above in above syntax.


Press “ENTER” .


Now window will create an undeletable folder in any drive which you will specify.


You can rename this folder by typing any window keyword.Don’t use any other name instead of window keyword.

Deletion of folder:

You cannot delete this folder as other folders can be.But, if you use below syntax in 7 step you can also delete it.

rdwindow keyword\

for example you can type “rdcon\” to delete folder.


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