Monday, 4 November 2013

Top 6 Ways you are Aging Yourself

Top 6 Ways you are Aging Yourself
                                            Top 6 Ways you are Aging Yourself
We all want to look and feel young for as long as possible. Unfortunately, many of us are getting in habits that would not make us look or feel any younger, and in fact, speed up the aging process in our bodies.

Here are 6 common bad habits that speed up the aging process and make you feel older than you are throughout your daily routine.

1.Skipping Vegetables
Skipping Vegetables
What you eat is as important as how much you sleep for staying young. Eating vegetables and healthy fruit will keep your energy up, your weight down, and help reduce your risk of cancer.

Eating at least one pound of vegetables a day drastically reduces cancer risk. You will also have to worry less about age-related weight gain. Vegetables give your cells plenty of nutrients to help them stay vibrant and young.

3. Skipping Water
Skipping Water

Tea and some coffee is fine, but five cups of a day and soda will take it’s toll on your skin. To stay properly hydrated and maintain an even complexion, you need to drink one glass of water for each cup of coffee you drink.

Most people don’t drink enough water. Drinking water (2.5-3 liters a day) will keep your skin clear and reduce aches in muscles and joints. Water will help you stay healthier, keep your weight down and reduce cancer risk. Drinking soda everyday raises your cancer risk, gives you headaches, and makes you gain weight.

2.Skipping Sleep

We live in a society of the chronically sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation is not discouraged these days. In fact, missing sleep is often bragged about as a badge of honor.

Many people consider getting 6 hours of sleep a day adequate. However, most people really need an average of 8.5 hours a night. Because modern society culturally discourages sleep, it can often be difficult to obtain.

Missing sleep is bad for your health. You bounce back from illnesses slower, have worse concentration, a harder time remembering things and tend to make poorer decisions. Look and feel younger by prioritizing sleeping in your lifestyle.

4.Skipping Exercising

Skipping Exercising

The good news is, you don’t actually need that much exercises to stay fit, as long as you eat plenty of vegetables and drink water. You do, however, need some to keep your muscles in shape.

As you age, muscle tissue naturally decreases. Avoid degenerative aging health problems like muscle-loss and osteoporosis by engaging in a few hours of weight-bearing exercise a week. Make sure to take brisk walks or jobs to keep your heart healthy and strong.

5. Leaving  Skin Unprotected

Leaving  Skin Unprotected

Best-case scenario, skipping the sunscreen will make you get wrinkles and spots at a younger age. Worst-case scenario, you can get skin cancer. It’s best to take this one simple measure to protect your skin. Not only will you insure good health in the future, you’ll also hang onto your youthful glow for more years.

6. Not stretching and Getting Injuries

Not stretching and Getting Injuries

Whether you’re an athlete or a desk jockey, your joints and muscles need regular attention to maintain strength and flexibility. Otherwise, you can easily get an injury from running or lifting something heavy. If you don’t’ keep yourself in good shape, injuries can easily become chronic.

Avoid these bad habits to improve your health for now and keep yourself young for years to come.

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