Tuesday 3 September 2013

How to Remove “seen” in Facebook Chat Box

how to remove seen in chat box
How to Remove “seen” in Facebook Chat Box 
Facebook developers are introducing new tricks day by day.These tricks are very helpful for facebbok user.One most wonderfull trcik is that “how to remove seen in facebook chat”.Usually when you send or receive message you have “seen” option.You can use this “seen” option according to your choice.You can also confirm that whether your message is read or not.You can also disable seen facility.You can enjoy this facility by installing a software/ increasing Google chrome extension.Method is given below.

For example your friend has send you message as given below.

seen feature in facebook chat box

But you did not reply him/her and when you meet her/him , he complains you.But if you have installed “facebook unseen” on your Pc then you can tell him that you had not seen his message. 

remove seen in facebook chat box
Installation of facebook Unseen:

Go to this link then clcik on "free download" new tab will appear.Click on Add to Chrome. Then clcik on "add".This will automatically download on your system.After installing this software,you can control “seen” option.If you do not want “seen” option on your facebook chat box you can change the setting as by clicking on “facebook unseen ON”.If you want “seen” facility you can click on “facebook unseen OFF”.


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