Thursday 29 August 2013

Top 5 Brightest Stars in Our Sky

Top 5 Brightest Stars in Our Sky
                                                     Top 5 Brightest Stars in Our Sky

Stars are defined as massive luminous spheres of hot gas, plasma( electrically charged gas) . Sun is the nearest star to the Earth. A Star merrily composed of hydrogen , some amount of helium and traces of elements. A star shine due to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium , this process does release a lost of energy that transverse the star interior and then radiates into the outer universe. 
The star we see in night with our naked eye mostly belongs to Milky Way , a Solar system that comprises Earth.

Here i Listed Top 5 Brightest stars that we see in night with our naked eye.

1. Sirius


Sirius is known to be the brightest star in night that we can see with our eyes. It has a visual apparent magnitude of 1.46 and calculated to be twice as bright as Canopus( another Bright star). Sirius word derived from Ancient Greek that means "glowing" or "scorcher". It is also known as Dog star. It is a part of Constellation "Canis Major"  and it is 8.6 Light year away from Sun.

2. Canopus


Canopus is the second brightest star in night and this is a part of southern constellation of carina. It has a visual apparent magnitude of 0.72 . Canopus is 74 light year away from sun . There are many name for this star as per locations.

3. Rigil Kentaurus

Rigil Kentaurus

Rigil Kentaurus is the third brightest star in night and this is a part of Centautus constellation. This is also known as Alpha Centauri and Rigel Kent. Rigil Kentaurus is 4.37 light year away from the sun. This star looks a single but there are two star whose combined visual magnitude is 0.27 that makes this star third brightest star in the sky.

4.  Arcturus


Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in night and this is a part of Bootes Constellation( a old constellation) . It has a visual magnitude 0.04 . It is 36.7 light years away from the Earth. It has different names as per locations.

5. Vega Vega

Vega Vega

Vega Vega is the fifth brightest star in the sky and it is a part of Lyra constellation. It is 25 light year away from Earth. Its names comes from Arabic for the swooping eagle.

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